Stimulus: A user attempts to verify the authenticity of a digital document.

Environment: System operates in a context where document integrity and trustworthiness are critical.

Response: The system should provide a robust digital signature mechanism that verifies the authenticity and integrity of the document, ensuring that any modifications or tampering can be detected. Additionally, the system should maintain a secure and tamper-proof audit trail that records all document-related activities, including creation, modifications, and approvals, with timestamps and user identifiers.

Background: In this scenario, the authenticity requirement is described for a system where document integrity and trustworthiness are crucial. When a user attempts to verify the authenticity of a digital document, the system should respond by providing a robust digital signature mechanism. This mechanism ensures that the document’s authenticity and integrity can be validated, enabling the detection of any unauthorized modifications or tampering.

Furthermore, the system should maintain a secure and tamper-proof audit trail that records all document-related activities. This includes the creation, modifications, and approvals of the document, along with timestamps and user identifiers. By capturing these details in the audit trail, the system enhances accountability and transparency, allowing users to track the document’s history and ensuring that the document’s authenticity can be reliably verified.

Source: This scenario has been created with help from ChatGPT by using the prompt create a quality scenario to describe an authenticity requirement.