… what the product has to do to protect itself from infection by unauthorized or undesirable software programs, such as viruses, worms, malware, spyware and any other undesirable interference.
Directly Related Quality Requirements
No directly related quality requirements found.
Related Qualities
Related Quality Requirements
- Access Control via SSO | #usable #suitable #secure
- Access control is enforced | #secure #suitable
- Add new product under 60 minutes | #suitable #efficient #reliable
- Assess impact of proposed change | #suitable #reliable
- Authenticity of a digital document | #secure #suitable
- Available 7x24 with 99% uptime | #operable #usable #reliable
- Avoid common vulnerabilities | #reliable #secure
- Clarity in technical documentation | #usable #reliable
- Confidentiality by multi-tenancy | #secure
- Detailed audit log | #secure #suitable
- Detect inconsistent user input | #usable #reliable
- Employee attempts to modify pay rate | #secure
- Encrypted storage | #secure
- Every data modification is logged | #secure
- Fast and accurate sensor | #efficient #reliable
- Fast deployment | #reliable #operable
- Global Explainability | #suitable #safe #reliable
- Good code readability score | #reliable
- Handle sudden increase in traffic | #reliable
- Keep data on error | #reliable #usable
- Local Explainability | #suitable #safe #reliable
- Low change-failure rate | #reliable
- Minimize jitter in real-time data streaming | #reliable
- New Features Introduce No Bugs | #reliable
- Only authenticated users can access data | #secure
- Order queue | #reliable
- Parallel Data Modification | #usable #efficient #secure
- Precise calculation of gamma coefficient | #reliable
- Precision of vehicle's orientation | #reliable
- Protect Data by Establishing Security Protocols | #secure #safe #reliable
- Reliable Backup and Restore | #safe #reliable
- Restored to fully functional state 12h after complete failure | #operable #usable #reliable
- Scale up in 2 Minutes | #efficient #reliable
- Server fails |
- Severe errors are detected and the system shuts down into safe state | #operable #safe #reliable
- System can run >12h without re-booting the operating system | #operable #reliable
- System runs offline | #reliable #operable
- Unavailable for max 2 minutes | #reliable #usable
- Up to date API | #reliable #suitable
- Vehicle's position validity influences accuracy | #reliable #usable
- Withstand DDoS Attack | #reliable
- Zero-knowledge data storage | #secure
- system continues to operate without downtime | #reliable