Data-at-rest (specifically data in databases and in backups) shall be encrypted using state-of-the-art encryption algorithms from a proven vendor or open-source project - such as AES-256 at the time of writing.
Encrypted storage
Related Quality Requirements
- Access Control via SSO | #usable #suitable #secure
- Access control is enforced | #secure #suitable
- Authenticity of a digital document | #secure #suitable
- Avoid common vulnerabilities | #reliable #secure
- Confidentiality by multi-tenancy | #secure
- Detailed audit log | #secure #suitable
- Employee attempts to modify pay rate | #secure
- Every data modification is logged | #secure
- Only authenticated users can access data | #secure
- Parallel Data Modification | #usable #efficient #secure
- Protect Data by Establishing Security Protocols | #secure #safe #reliable
- Zero-knowledge data storage | #secure