A server in a server farm fails during normal operation, and the system informs the operator and continues to operate with no downtime.
Server fails, system continues to operate without downtime
Related Quality Requirements
- Add new product under 60 minutes | #suitable #efficient #reliable
- Assess impact of proposed change | #suitable #reliable
- Available 7x24 with 99% uptime | #operable #usable #reliable
- Avoid common vulnerabilities | #reliable #secure
- Clarity in technical documentation | #usable #reliable
- Detect inconsistent user input | #usable #reliable
- Fast and accurate sensor | #efficient #reliable
- Fast deployment | #reliable #operable
- Global Explainability | #suitable #safe #reliable
- Good code readability score | #reliable
- Handle sudden increase in traffic | #reliable
- Keep data on error | #reliable #usable
- Local Explainability | #suitable #safe #reliable
- Low change-failure rate | #reliable
- Minimize jitter in real-time data streaming | #reliable
- New Features Introduce No Bugs | #reliable
- Order queue | #reliable
- Precise calculation of gamma coefficient | #reliable
- Precision of vehicle's orientation | #reliable
- Protect Data by Establishing Security Protocols | #secure #safe #reliable
- Reliable Backup and Restore | #safe #reliable
- Restored to fully functional state 12h after complete failure | #operable #usable #reliable
- Scale up in 2 Minutes | #efficient #reliable
- Severe errors are detected and the system shuts down into safe state | #operable #safe #reliable
- System can run >12h without re-booting the operating system | #operable #reliable
- System runs offline | #reliable #operable
- Unavailable for max 2 minutes | #reliable #usable
- Up to date API | #reliable #suitable
- Vehicle's position validity influences accuracy | #reliable #usable
- Withstand DDoS Attack | #reliable